Workplace And Divorce

Feb 18, 2022

Farmers and librarians in the Charlotte area may be among the least likely people to get a divorce while people who work in restaurants and hotels may be among the most. A study by researchers at Stockholm University that appeared in Biology Letters looked at the connection between a person’s workplace and divorce and found that these were the professions with the highest and lowest divorce rates.

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Primarily, the study was looking at whether people in heterosexual marriages who worked in fields dominated by the opposite sex had a higher divorce risk. It found that they did, but the risk was higher for men than women. Men with college educations who worked in fields dominated by women were more likely to divorce than those with less education. In contrast, less-educated women in male-dominated fields were more likely to divorce than better-educated women.

The study used data on people born since 1945 in Denmark who married between 1981 and 2002 and had one or more jobs. It controlled for several known divorce risk factors. However, researchers cautioned that there needed to be further study. While new potential partners in the workplace could be the reason for the divorce rate, there might be other reasons as well. For example, men in female-dominated workplaces might have a lower income, and this could strain the relationship.

Financial strain may lead to the end of a marriage and could cause problems during the divorce process itself as well. For example, if a couple has debt, one concern will be working out how to split it. If the debt is in one person’s name, creditors may pursue that person for the debt even if the other party agrees to pay part of it. Alimony payments might also be part of the divorce settlement if one person’s income is significantly higher than the other’s.

When considering an alienation of affection or criminal conversation claim, the date of separation becomes and important date. This date is important because the courts of our State have stated that conduct prior to the date of separation is relevant whereas conduct after the date of separation may not be relevant. It is very important to note, however, that a judge may also consider conduct, which occurs after the date of separation, if that conduct corroborates the conduct that occurred before the date of separation.

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