As a driver, you do your best to follow the rules of the road at all times. However, there may come a time when you find yourself breaking the law, even if you aren’t doing so on purpose.
Protect Yourself By Understanding Your Options and Knowing Your Rights.
Call For A Consultation 704-333-9900
Eyewitnesses say that the man became involved in a physical altercation with at least two other individuals after being denied service in the restaurant. The scuffle took place in the facility’s parking lot, according to media accounts. The man then allegedly entered his SUV and maneuvered it so that he could strike the restaurant with significant force. Some onlookers say that the vehicle was traveling at around 40 mph.
Images taken shortly after the crash show that the SUV came to a rest inside the sports bar area near some pool tables. Reports indicate that a restaurant employee detained the man and protected him from several angry patrons until police arrived. Police say that no restaurant patrons or workers suffered serious injuries.
In many cases, drunk driving charges can lead to severe consequences. However, all alleged offenders are afforded access to legal counsel. A criminal defense attorneys may encourage leniency by reminding prosecutors that trials are expensive and juries always introduce an element of uncertainty.
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PHONE: 704-333-9900
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