Charlotte DUI Lawyer

Can I Go To Jail And Lose My License For A DUI?

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The degree of impairment caused by alcohol intoxication varies based on BAC, as shown in the table below. Impairments range from subtle effects that can only be detected with special tests at levels between 0.001-0.029%, to problems with concentration, reflexes, motor control, and more, including a serious possibility of death at 0.50% or more.

BAC (%) Behavior
No Prior Convictions
0.001–0.029 Average individual appears normal Subtle effects that can be detected with special tests
0.030–0.059 Mild euphoria, Relaxation, Joyousness, Talkativeness, Decreased inhibition Concentration
0.060–0.099 Blunted feelings, Reduced sensitivity to pain, Euphoria, Disinhibition, Extraversion Reasoning Depth perception Peripheral vision Glare recovery
0.100–0.199 Over-expression, Boisterousness, Possibility of nausea and vomiting Reflexes Reaction time Gross motor control Staggering Slurred speech Temporary erectile dysfunction
0.200–0.299 Nausea, Vomiting, Emotional swings, Anger or sadness , Partial loss of understanding , Impaired sensations, Decreased libido, Possibility of stupor Severe motor impairment Loss of consciousness Memory blackout
0.300–0.399 Stupor, Central nervous system depression, Loss of understanding, Lapses in and out of consciousness, Low possibility of death Bladder function Breathing Dysequilibrium Heart rate
0.400–0.500 Severe central nervous system depression, Coma, Possibility of death Breathing Heart rate Positional alcohol nystagmus
>0.50 High possibility of death


A sentencing hearing will follow where the prosecutor and defendant can present aggravating and mitigating evidence.

  • A sentencing hearing will follow where the prosecutor and defendant can present aggravating and mitigating evidence.
  • Grossly aggravating factors. “Grossly aggravating” circumstances include driving while your license is already revoked for another DWI, driving with a minor passenger, and causing serious injury to another person. A prior DWI within the last seven years is also a grossly aggravating factor.
  • Aggravating factors. These include circumstances including reckless driving, causing a collision, having a BAC of at least .15%, passing a stopped school bus, eluding police, and speeding 30 miles at least per hour over the limit. Having a prior conviction for DWI more than seven years ago is also an aggravating factor.
  • Mitigating factors. Examples of these include having a BAC of .09% or less, if the impairing drug was legally prescribed, or if you were otherwise driving safely. You can also undergo a mental health screening, 60 days sobriety monitoring, or treatment prior to sentencing to create more mitigating factors.

Based on these factors, the judge will sentence the offender DWI under one of six levels listed below.



Even in cases where there are not any grossly aggravating or aggravating factors, the court take DWI/DUIs in North Carolina very seriously. It is critical to have the representation of an experienced DWI/DUI defense attorney who practices in your area. A DWI/DUI conviction cannot be expunged from your criminal record. Please contact our office today for a consultation to determine your next steps.

Greg Plumides

Plumides, Romano & Johnson’s
Criminal Defense Specialist
Greg Plumides

With years of experience defending clients against serious charges, Greg is dedicated to providing aggressive, knowledgeable representation. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, don’t wait—contact Greg Plumides today for a free consultation and let us help protect your future.




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