Charlotte Hidden Assets Lawyer

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Resolving Hidden Assets in Your Charlotte Divorce Case

Divorce involves significant financial implications for both spouses. Each of them will need to adjust to living separately, and divorce often entails extensive financial orders pertaining to child support and alimony. Property division can also have significant long-term economic effects on both spouses. While it’s natural for someone to want to protect themselves financially as much as possible in divorce, taking unethical steps to do so can lead to criminal penalties.

A spouse may attempt to hide assets by creating hidden accounts and not disclosing them as part of the financial disclosure process. They may also ask their employer to withhold bonuses or commission payments until after their divorce is finalized, so they aren’t considered marital property. Some give out loans to friends and family with the intent of collecting after they complete their divorces, and some use offshore investment accounts to hide their assets.

If you suspect that your spouse has not fully disclosed their financial details, it’s important to consult your Charlotte hidden assets lawyer as soon as possible. They will know the most effective ways to investigate the issue, such as consulting a forensic accountant for a more thorough review of all your and your spouse’s provided financial records. They can also assist in proving whether your spouse may have intentionally wasted any marital assets.

Financial disclosure is ordered by the court as part of divorce proceedings, and refusing to provide a complete and accurate financial disclosure would be grounds for facing contempt of court. The spouse who has done this may be held responsible for any additional legal fees the other spouse incurs in uncovering their actions, and the court is unlikely to look favorably toward them when determining other aspects of the divorce.

Plumides, Romano & Johnson, PC, can provide comprehensive legal representation in the most complex divorce cases. We understand that divorce is an intensely emotional issue, and property division can be one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. If you believe your spouse has hidden assets, we can help you expose the truth of the matter.


    Q: How Do I Prove Hidden Assets in Divorce?

    A: Your attorney can advise you as to how you can prove hidden assets in divorce. You may need to uncover important financial records that you do not know how to obtain on your own, or you may not know how to legally obtain the evidence you need to prove your spouse has hidden assets. Consult your Charlotte hidden assets lawyer to determine what you should do to confirm your suspicions if you believe your spouse has hidden assets.

    Q: How Do Spouses Hide Assets From Divorce in Charlotte?

    A: There are many ways for spouses to hide assets from divorce in Charlotte. Some of the most common methods include discreetly withdrawing cash from shared accounts periodically, using offshore accounts, loaning large sums to friends and family prior to divorce with the intent to collect after divorce, and taking advantage of joint ownership with certain types of assets. Your attorney will know what methods your spouse may have used to hide assets.

    Q: Is North Carolina a Community Property State?

    A: No, it is not a community property state. In a community property state, all marital property is evenly divided between the spouses 50/50. The state is an equitable distribution state, meaning property division aims for the fairest possible division of marital assets. This does not, however, mean that each spouse will definitely receive exactly half of the marital property cited in their financial disclosures.

    Q: How Do I Prove Separate Property in a Divorce?

    A: In a North Carolina divorce, it is possible to prove separate property by showing the origin of ownership, meaning proof of when, where, and how you acquired the property. Certain assets automatically qualify as separate property, such as gifts you received and inheritance from blood relatives. Your attorney can help you accurately identify all the various forms of separate property you are legally allowed to keep from equitable distribution in divorce.

    Q: Why Should I Hire a Charlotte Hidden Assets Lawyer?

    A: You should hire a Charlotte hidden assets lawyer because this aspect of a divorce case can be very difficult to resolve on your own. The right attorney can help you identify issues with your spouse’s financial disclosure statement, gather the proof you need to show they have hidden assets, and explain what implications your spouse’s actions may have on the outcome of your divorce.

    Plumides, Romano & Johnson, PC, has decades of professional experience handling all types of divorce cases in Charlotte and we are very familiar with the various ways divorcing spouses attempt to hide assets from one another. If you have reason to believe your spouse has been untruthful in their financial disclosure, we can help. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with a Charlotte hidden assets lawyer to learn more about the legal services we offer.




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