Cancer Society Worker Charged

Jul 06, 2022

We are often surprised by the individuals that are charged with crimes. For example, one woman pled guilty to embezzlement charges in a North Carolina County. While employed by the American Cancer Society, she allegedly embezzled $70,000 from the organization.

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The woman supposedly opened a checking account using the name of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. She was then said to have used money from the account for various personal services. The woman charged with this crime has since repaid the money supposedly taken.

The court sentenced this individual to 25 days in jail and three years of probation. Authorities reportedly dropped seven other embezzlement counts in return for her guilty plea.

We do not know the exact circumstances of what occurred here. Though a guilty plea was elicited, it is always possible that the person charged only pled guilty to avoid facing a far lengthier sentence if convicted of other charges. People charged with felonies and other criminal activity may often feel that they have little other choice than to plead guilty.

Also, even when an individual is found guilty of particular charges, certain actions can still be taken that may result in a reduced sentence. For example, it’s possible that the woman’s paying back the money she purportedly embezzled led to her facing a lighter sentence.

It’s always best that anyone charged with a serious crime first speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney before making any deals with prosecutors or making a plea in court. Our attorneys can provide individuals with their legal options and advise them concerning the best possible course of action.

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plumides, romano & Johnson, pc

2115 Rexford Road, Suite 320 Charlotte NC 28211

PHONE: 704-333-9900


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